Archive for September, 2012

8 for Vegas Update

Posted: September 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

Hi all,

So, upfront I’m going to tell you that I’m not going to be posting 8 for Vegas updates here any longer. I shall be posting them to my production company blog, here.

But, since we just started production, I thought I’d give this blog a final showing.

We started last weekend, and had a lot of fun. We had some bumps in the road during the last three months, and we’re just sorry we couldn’t get you all episodes sooner, but we’re back on track!

Here’s where we’re at.

First, here are two videos you may or may not have seen. One is a teaser, and the other is a production update:

Fun, right?

Yesterday, Sunday, I had the pleasure of meeting not one, not two, but THREE donors to our Indiegogo campaign. It was unreal! I met Max, Ron, and Stuart. Three great guys who said nothing but nice things about our series. It was such a huge boost, I can’t even begin to tell you.

So, to those three guys and, of course, to everyone who donated money, thank you!

We have free pool on Sundays, from 11am to 4pm, so, please, come on by! You don’t have to speak any dialog, or be on camera, just be background, or just hang out!

Yesterday was a fun shoot. We got through the entirety of episode 2, which is awesome. We have about 5 more shoots between now and the end of October, so, check out our Facebook page for our shoot days, and join us!

I would love to give you all a couple of production shots from yesterday’s shoot, but it would give too much away.

Check the Words From Here blog for more updates! Thanks very much for reading.
